About me

Welcome! This is Xinzhe. I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & I-X, Imperial College London, working with Dr. Chen Qin, Dr. Yingzhen Li, and Prof. Ben Glocker. Previously, I obtained my BSc degree in Mathematics and PhD degree in Statistics from Fudan University in 2019 and 2024, respectively. My research interests involve the interdisciplinary area of medical image computing, statistics, artificial intelligence, and mathematics. Currently, I am focusing on trustworthy AI for MRI reconstruction.


  • [Feb, 2025] One paper accepted by IPMI 2025: “Unsupervised Accelerated MRI Reconstruction via Ground-Truth-Free Flow Matching” (Oral Presentation). (Link)
  • [June, 2024] One paper accepted by MICCAI 2024: “Toward Universal Medical Image Registration via Sharpness-Aware Meta-Continual Learning”.
  • [May, 2024] Successfully defended my PhD thesis: “Multi-Modality Medical Image Groupwise Combined Computing Based on Explicit Modelling”!
  • [Feb, 2024] I will join the Imperial College London as a post-doctoral research associate.
  • [Oct, 2023] I was awarded as a distinguished reviewer for IEEE TMI.
  • [Oct, 2023] I was awarded the China National Scholarship 2023 for PhD students.
  • [June, 2023] Our paper “BInGo: Bayesian Intrinsic Groupwise Registration via Explicit Hierarchical Disentanglement” is awarded Honourable Mention for the Francois Erbsmann Prize on IPMI 2023.
  • [Feb, 2023] Our paper “BInGo: Bayesian Intrinsic Groupwise Registration via Explicit Hierarchical Disentanglement” has been accepted by IPMI 2023 (Oral Presentation). (Link)
  • [Nov, 2022] Our paper “$\mathcal{X}$-Metric: An N-Dimensional Information-Theoretic Framework for Groupwise Registration and Deep Combined Computing” has been accepted by TPAMI. (Link, Code)
  • [July, 2022] Our paper “Cardiac Segmentation on Late Gadolinium Enhancement MRI: A Benchmark Study from Multi-Sequence Cardiac MR Segmentation Challenge” has been accepted by MedIA. (Link)